ADBA,Ukc,and On-Line Pedigree Registered Prue Old School GameBred Bloodlines
ADBA Line Breeding of Mayday,RBJ,CH.Chinaman,CH.Crenshaw,with a few outcrosses
Ukc Line Breeding of Boggieman, 9xBlueBoggieman,Gucci Razor Edge, with CH.Chinaman outcross
"Workout Videos available on YouTubeChannel"
"All dogs are working stock no matter what color"
Merch and books by Richard"School Boy" Garcia..60 plus years of knowlege
"Should I give you a history lesson?"
"Tuition is free and Donations are always welcome"
"Where Legends are Born"
ADBA Georgia APBT Club Chapter...ADBA Sanctioned Georgia Pitbull Dog shows coming soon to our great state of Georgia.Mari Burton 770-539-2823 for the details..lets put the great state of Georgia on da Map.
Georgia APBT Club Chapter and Mid Florida APBT ...ADBA Sanctioned Dog shows
ADBA Georgia APBT Club Chapter and The Tennesse Valley Weight Pull Club. 3 weight pulls and 3 conformation shows
ADBA Georgia APBT Club Chapter and The Tennesse Valley Weight Pull Club. 3 weight pulls and 3 conformation shows...3rd place weight 49.8 pounds/Pulled 1,820pounds
ADBA Georgia APBT Club Chapter and The Tennesse Valley Weight Pull Club. 3 weight pulls and 3 conformation shows...1st place weight 48.8 pounds/Pulled 1,880pounds
Weight Pull Track is 32 feet long, 4 feet wide.Dogs have to pull 15 feet, also timed.
ADBA Georgia APBT Club Chapter and The Tennesse Valley Weight Pull Club. 3 weight pulls and 3 conformation shows...2nd place weight 46.8 pounds/Pulled 1,830pounds
ADBA Confirmation Show Georgia APBT Club Chapter and Tennesse Valley Weight Pull Club..THANK YOU EVERYONE THAT CAME OUT...Movie Trailer on da Way
ADBA Confirmation and tug of war 2 day event..THANK YOU EVERYONE THAT CAME OUT..Movie Trailer on da Way.
ADBA Confirmation and tug of war 2 day event..Puppy Class in the ring..Sweet Home Alabama
ADBA Confirmation and Strength 2 day Event..Sweet Home Alabama
ADBA Confirmation show 2 day Event
ADBA Confirmation and tug of war 2 day event..Sweet Home Alabama
ADBA Confirmation show 2 day Event
Calvin "Leg" Grenne 55 plus years in da GAME Georgetown,SC
Living Legend's of Da Past
"Should I remind you I've done this before?"
ADBA Old Family Red Nose bloodline top amd bottm..Catch Dog Game
ADBA RBJ x CH.Chinaman x Bolio..Catch Dog and very good at it...Game Living Legend's
ADBA Confirmation show 2 day Event
Now available
Living Legends of past and present
" Should I just sell shirts , see my new shirts?" "What should I do?"
ADBA RBJ x CH.Chinaman x Bolio..with outcross Boyle..Bay Dog and very good at it...Game Living Legend's
Bottom: Old Family Red Nose....Game ADBA Registration
Ukc..Bloodline Top:9x Blueboggieman, CH. Chinaman,GucciRazor Edge..Tri color offspring
Bottom: Carver x Eli x 9xBlueboogieman...Living Legend's
Bloodline Top:9xBlue boggieman X CH.Chinaman X Jeep..bay dog..Living Legend's
Bottom: CH. Chinaman, Colby, Jeep
Now Available Ukc 2nd Generation
North Carolina Rowdytown, CH. Chinaman, Kingfish, top and bottom
CH.Chinaman x RBJ
Bottom: 9xBlueboggieman, Mayday
Ukc 2nd Generation Living Legend's
North Carolina Rowdytown, CH. Chinaman, Kingfish, top and bottom
Ukc...Catch dog and Bay Dog..Living Legend's
Bloodline:OldFamily red nose,you can see it in her coat,9xBlueboggieman
CH. Chinaman Game Bred..Living Legend's
Old Family Red Nose,9 xBlueBoggieman..was a gamebred litter
Ukc 2nd Generation Living Legend's
Female off of a ADBA OFRN and 9xblue boggieman breeding
Ukc Papers
Ukc 2nd Generation North Carolina Rowdytown,Ch. Chinamen,Kingfish
Bottom: CH.Chinaman X Jeep X Carver Living Legend's
Bloodline:Mayday,Carver ,Honey Bunch top and bottom...Game Bred
ADBA Living Legend's
Bloodline:North Carolina Rowdeytown,Ch.Chinamen,
Old Family Red Nose
Bloodline:Mayday x RBJ x CH,Crenshaw x HoneyBunch
ADBA Living Legend's Catch dog and Bay Dog
Bloodline:Mayday,Carver, Honey Bunch top and bottom...Game Bred
ADBA Registration Living Legend's Bay Dog
Old Family Red Nose top and bottom..Game Living Legend's
ADBAand Ukc
2xYellow John,9xBlue Boggieman Catch dog and Bay dog Living Legend's
Their offspring
2xYellow John x 9xBlue Boggieman
ADBA Ch.Crenshaw xMayday x RBJ
Yellow John x Mayday x RBJ Living Legend's and good catch dog
Ukc 1st Genaration North Carolina Rowdytown, CH. Chinaman
Bottom: King fish, Colby, CH. Chinaman Living Legend's and Foundation Male...was a very good Catch Dog
ADBA 2x White Bandit, Gr. CH. Boomerang..all white red noses...Living Legend's
3Months old spring pole workout..heavy mouth at 3 months now a bay dog..Living Legend's
Old Family Red nose, 9xBlue Boggieman
ADBA APBT On-Line Pedigree..This was an OG Kennel Breeding..Mr. Wonka
Haymaker x Sorrell x Mayday
APBT On-LinePedigree 2 years old working out..ADBA Mayday,Carver
Bottom: Eli, Carver, Mayday
ADBA 2x White Bandit X RedBoy X Gr. Ch. Boomerang
Bottom: Mayday, Carver, 2xJeep(ROM) Living Legend's..Foundation Female and was a good bay dog
Ukc 9xBlue Boggieman,Razor Edge
Bottom: ADBA Mayday, Carver, Eli
ADBA Yella John,Ch.Chinaman
Bottom: King fish X Carver X Eli
APBT On-Line Pedigree
APBT On-LIne Pedigree...Living Legend's
MachoMan x Barracuda x Eli x 2xJeep(ROM)....ADBA
APBT On-Line Pedigree..Living Legend's
Barracuda x MachoMan x Boudreaux x Hollingswofth..ADBA Catch dog and Bay dog
APBT On-Line Pedigree...Living Legend's
MachoMan x Barracuda x Eli x 2xJeep(ROM)..ADBA Catch dog and Bay dog
ADBA Mayday x Barracuda x 2xJepp(ROM)...Living Legend's
The Legend of Mr. Wonka,pictured with CH.Meech and CH. Goldie ..."Twiggs County's Finest
Eli x 2xJeep(ROM) x Carver x Haymaker Line Bred Top and Bottom Game Bred Catch Dog and Bay Dog
The Legend of Mr. Wonka..."Twiggs County's Finest
Eli x 2xJeep(ROM) x Carver x Haymaker Line Bred Top and Bottom Game Bred
Custom built houses and birth avaliable.
Custom built houses and birth pens available
APBT On-Line Pedigree..OG Kennel Breeding...Mr. Wonka..Tiwggs County Finest..
Catch Dog and Bay Dog..CH.Outlaw
Boyle x Jeep x Carver x Eli
APBT On-Line Pedigree...The Legend of Mr. Wonka..Twiggs County's Finest
ADBA APBT On-Line Pedigree..OG Kennel Line Breeding..Off of CH,MJG
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
OG Kennels
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
Mr. Wonka pictured with da Southern Legend himself CH. MJG and CH. Molly Catch Dog and Bay Dog
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
ADBA APBT On-Line Pedigree..OG Kennel Line Breeding..Off of CH,MJG
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
APBT On-Line Pedigree..OG Kennel's Line Breeding..Off of CH,Outlaw... also a bay dog
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
ADBA APBT On-Line Pedigree..OG Kennel Line Breeding..Off of CH,Meech
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
ADBA APBT On-Line Pedigree..OG Kennel Line Breeding..Off of CH,MJG
This was a double bred Sorrell Outcross Breeding..A very soild Bay Dog
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
ADBA APBT On-Line Pedigree..OG Kennel Line Breeding..Off of CH,MJG
This was a double bred Sorrell Outcross Breeding...A very good Catch Dog
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
ADBA APBT On-Line Pedigree..OG Kennel Line Breeding..Offspring of CH,MJG
3rd generation...A very good Catch Dog
Jeep x Eli x of the Southern Legend himself... CH. "MJG"..5 Generations of Line Breeding Heavy Jeep, Eli, Carver... producer of CH. MJG, CH. Meech, CH. Molly. CH. Goldie, CH. Outlaw
ADBA APBT On-Line Pedigree..Mr. Wonka OG Kennel
Dexter x Carmen x Eli x Carver...Bay Dog
Dexter x Carmen x Carver x Eli
Special Thank you
Pitfall kennels....Space Ghost and blue angel breeding
Braynt's Red Devil Kennels.....Semi sweet and cane breeding..30 years of experience OFRN
"Tuscaloosa's own" Robert Carroll 50 plus years (Jitterbug kennels)....,, DW, "The Leader of Da Bacon shaka crew " in the great state of Georgia
Dogs, Dogman, and Bloodlines 2023 by Richard "Schoolboy Garcia"...You tube Channel."Should I give you a history lesson?"..60 years of experience...Tuition is free and donations are always welcome
Sporting dog journal//
OG Kennels " Twiggs County's Finest " ....The legend of Mr. Wonka